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James Custer, Ph.D.

Personal Website:


Linkedin, ResearchGate, ORCID, G Scholar

Ph.D. in Chemistry
UNC-Chapel Hill, 2020

B.S. Honors in Chemistry, Minor in Math
Muhlenberg College, 2015

Jon Meyers' pic

First Author


Ratcheting effects play an important role in systems ranging from mechanical socket wrenches to biological motor proteins. The underlying principle is to convert a fluctuating, unbiased force into unidirectional motion. Here, we report the ratcheting of electrons at room temperature using a semiconductor nanowire with precisely engineered asymmetry. Modulation of the nanowire diameter creates a cylindrical sawtooth geometry with broken inversion symmetry on a nanometer-length scale. In a two-terminal device, this structure responded as a three-dimensional geometric diode that funnels electrons preferentially in one direction through specular reflection of quasi-ballistic electrons at the nanowire surface. The ratcheting effect causes charge rectification at frequencies exceeding 40 gigahertz, demonstrating the potential for applications such as high-speed data processing and long-wavelength energy harvesting.